エリザベス女王の宮中晩餐会スピーチ2022/09/23 07:23

エリザベス女王が1975(昭和50)年に来日された際、5月7日の宮中晩餐会でなさったスピーチがテレビで流れている。 私がとてもいいと思う(とりわけ後半)最後の部分を引いておく。

 The world today is tense and complex. Peace itself does not solve the problems of poverty and the deprived; of the “generation gap”; of the violence bred of frustrated hopes. These, and similar problems, are formidable, and the developed nations must stand together to confront and solve them. If the efforts of our two countries are combined, our contribution will be all the greater.


As people, we share many attributes―our technical skills, our curiosity about new knowledge, our respect for tradition, even our love for gardens and our predilection for driving on the left! But perhaps we share in particular a temperament which may be hesitant to show affection but which has a capacity for deep feeling. I hope and believe that the friendship which today binds the Japanese and British people together will endure and be strengthened.


I ask you now to rise and to drink the health of His Majesty, of the Empress, of other members of the Imperial Family, and of the country and people of Japan.
